Founded by Robert Long Mostyn and George Craig in 1932, Craig Mostyn Group has been the trusted source of some of Australia’s finest produce for over 100 years.
Since day one, innovation has been the driving force behind our growth and success.
Curiosity is one of our core values, as it leads to innovation which is something Craig Mostyn Group are constantly striving for across all our businesses.
On one of our Craig Mostyn Farms, located at Mogumber in Western Australia, we are using the revolutionary Xiot Health Tag® developed by XSights, for remote and automated monitoring of pig health and welfare.
The standard approaches to this are time consuming and labour intensive, often resulting in the discovery of poor animal welfare when it’s too late.
The Xiot Health Tag® is equipped with sensors that collect real time temperature and location data from the pig’s ear.
It then streams the data live via bluetooth so we are aware of any abnormalities in the pig’s movements, eating habits or temperature, and can make informed decisions regarding the welfare of our animals.
It also enables us to intervene quickly to reduce mortality and the spread of disease.
This project is a partnership with Food Agility CRC, Curtin University, XSights, Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development, Pork Innovation WA and Beanstalk Agtech, working together to achieve national innovation goals.
V & V Walsh, a Craig Mostyn Group Company, is the home of Amelia Park lamb and beef.
You’ll find innovation at work at our V & V Walsh processing facility, where a recent major upgrade has been the construction and installation of a state-of-the-art Robotic Cold Storage Facility.
The drive behind the new Cold Store Facility was to take full control of our logistics, and to get product to the market in the quickest time possible and best quality possible.
The facility can freeze over 9,000 cartons per day across our plate and blast freezing areas, with a Dematic ASRS carton sortation unit capable of holding 26,000 cartons in individual form.
This gives our Sales department flexibility in being able to order and pick a specific pallet based on size, weight, specification code or production date.
Once fully commissioned, the Cold Store will be a fully automated system from production rooms to a frozen and wrapped pallet ready for loading into an export container onsite, resulting in a premium quality product due to a reduction in time from production to frozen state.
We have strived to implement leading technology in this space to make things as automated as possible.
Developing and adopting new technologies like these are critical for the success of our business. As we enter our second century of operation, we remain committed to driving innovation, sustainability, and growth.